Nine Profound Things That Will Change the Way You Read!

Since the pages of the Gutenberg Bible began to turn in 1455 we have read from the printed page. The application and evolution of that technology was paper bound until the Internet matured. The ability for the printed word, images and video to permeate our lives is only limited by the time it takes to boot up. I'm not bringing coal to Newcastle; everyone can "virtually" see it happening. There is seminal change in the control and distribution of personal reading material taking place much as there was with the advent of the movable type printing press.

Books for mass distribution when they made an appearance in the 15th Century were large, heavy, cumbersome and so was their content. Technology, and the applications that drive it, has initiated a fundamental change in the way the world reads. Here are nine reasons why:
1. Google and SEO are driving the change and delivery of information and will soon include books and personal reading material within their realm.

2. Open access is creating a new medium evolving with the imagination of those who master it.
3. Like news, books, stories and personal reading choices will now enjoy the same distribution channels.
4. You don't have to wait for the book to come out. The process has been digitized and available on your hand held device.
5. The Global Village has gone virtual and it is no longer print bound. Your book club is world-wide.
6. Anyone can participate. All you need is an idea, a story and access to the Internet to become a fly on the wall or an actor in the scene.
7. The reader can comment on the spot and contribute their thoughts. Points can be made; ideas spawned and shared in real time.
8. Advertising will have significant impact in the way books are written, marketed and priced. If authors want to use the power of the medium, they will have to adapt their books and stories.
9. Will the reader buy in? My personal research, the eBook explosion and today's lifestyles indicates that they have.
The current of these changes are like a fast moving stream cutting deep into the bedrock of tradition. The intimacy of turning pages no longer requires moistening your finger tips. That we now plant trees rather than turning them into pulp fact or fiction further drives these changes.
Everything will have to adapt. News, advertising, publishing, entertainment, business, education, health care and religion will have to keep up with the flow. We see evidence of this in all sectors of all markets. Ignore these realities and you are backing a losing hand.
Socialism and capitalism, politics and even democracy itself are subject to this transformation. Technology's power in the hands of people is doing more to reshape the world than is war. The hard cover and content of books, like all hardened borders, are no longer sustainable.
Advertising moves the masses, and it needs to enter the realm of books and personal reading material. It must do so with aplomb and with respect to the invasion of personal space. If it becomes overt and invasive, the reader will hit the fast forward button.
Playing with new rules and technology will require new writing styles. The authors and writers that create the content will similarly have to adapt much of their mode to fit the model. Think of these stylistic writing changes as resources - like apps for a smart phone, notepad or eBook reader. We need to design the content to carry the message in this new medium. Advertising is the creative force behind marketing and it is in the best place to foster this innovation.
Until we learn how to enter dreams we will focus on the conscious mind. Personal reading choice is the next logical platform for advertising. I think that the creative mind of the advertising agency is fertile ground for growing such a resource. It only takes one leader to start a revolution.

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